Favvofraser från Twilight! <3

Här kommer mina absoluta favoritfraser från Twilight. Läs och njut!

Edward - "What did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?"
Bella - "No, not the moats."
Edward - "Not the moats."

"You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash."

"Just ignore Rosalie. I do. "

Bella - "Who are they?"
Angela - "The Cullens."
Jess -"They're um, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids, they moved down here from Alaska like, a few years ago."
Angela - "They, kinda keep to themselves."
Jess - "Yeah 'cause they're all together, like TOGETHER together. Uh, the blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy Emmett, they're like a thing, I'm not even sure that's legal."
Angela - "Jess, they're not actually related."
Jess - "Yeah, but they live together it's weird-and, okay, the little dark-haired girl is Alice, she's REALLY weird, and, um, she's with Jasper the blonde one who looks like he's in pain."

Bella - "Look, You gotta give me some answers. "
Edward - "Yes. No. To get to the other side. 1.77245... "
Bella - "I don't need the square root of pi. "

"Cute, Mike. Let a playa play!"

Angela - "Smile!"
Bella - "Okay"
Angela - "Sorry, I needed a candid for the feature"
Eric - "The Feature's dead Angela, don't bring it up again!"
Bella - "It's okay, I just..."
Eric - "I-I got your back baby"
Angela - "I guess we'll just run another editorial on... Teen Drinking..."
Bella - "You know, you could always go for... eating disorders? Speedo padding on the swim team."
Angela - "Actually, that's a good one..."
Jess - "Kirk right?"
Angela - "Kirk"
Jess - "That's exactly what I thought."
Angela - "We're talking "Olympic Sized""
Jess - "There's no way - he's so skinny, it doesn't make sense"
Angela - "Totally."

"I can read every mind in this room, apart from yours... Just money, sex, money, sex... cat. And then you, nothing. It's very frustrating."

"Hold on tight, spidermonkey."

Bella - "Everybody's staring"
Edward - "Not that guy. No he just looked"

Bella - "Graduation caps?"
Edward - "Private joke. We matriculate a lot."

Bella - "Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?"
Edward - "Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it."

Jess - "Bella! Guess who just asked me to prom. I totally thought Mike was gonna ask you, actually. Um, it's not gonna be weird though, right?"
Bella - "No, no. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together"
Jess- "I know, right?"

"Dont drink that, its for the plants!"

"Get a whiff of that...Here comes the human."

Billy- "We came for your flat-screen. And because Jacob wouldn't stop talking about seeing you again."
Jacob- "Thanks, Dad. Nice."
Billy- "I'm just keepin' it real, son."

Rosalie- "My monkey man!"

Mike- "What's sup, Arizona? How you likin' the rain, girl? "

Billy- "I'm down with the kids."
Charlie- "Oh yeah, you're the bomb."


Mike- "So, you and Cullen... I don't like it. He looks at you like your something to eat. "


Carlisle- "Nice kitty!"



Postat av: Johanna

I´ts La Pusch Baby,La Pusch


2009-08-10 @ 21:41:28

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